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Library Preliminary Minutes 06/04/2014
PRESENT: Neal Brown, Bob Marshall, Bruce Dodge, Mary Ann Grant, Gail Smith and Kristin Readel.
ABSENT: Jami Bascom, Scott Jones
Minutes recorded by Patricia LaPree
7:01 PM - Neal called the meeting to order at this time. Bob Marshall was appointed a voting member for the meeting in Jami’s absence.
1)      Review of meeting minutes from May 7, 2014:
The motion was made by Bruce to accept the minutes as read, and Neal seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to accept the minutes as read. ACTION: Pat will have the minutes posted on the Town website.
2)      Review of action items from the May minutes:
a)      Neal and Kristin are working on the invitation to the Select Board to attend a Trustees meeting. The meeting date will probably be in the fall. There was a brief discussion about what information about the Library building will be helpful in developing the goals and agenda for the meeting. ACTION: Kristin will collate some information for the meeting. Pat will review the Trustee meeting minutes from the past two years that pertain to the steps taken to address the dampness in the basement and forward it to Kristin.
b)      Bruce did contact the Historical Society and there is nothing of historical significance in the basement. Kristin reported that clean up has already started in the basement.
c)      Neal has negotiated with the DPW to purchase and have installed two window air conditioning units at the Library.
d)      Bruce reported that he sent e-mails to four area sign makers, and has heard back from one. They gave a bid of $1500.00 for a 3 and one half foot oval sign. He said that he will continue to get bids. He also reported that he took the dimensions of the south window in the children’s area and will inquire about some options for that window and report back to the Trustees and Staff.

7:23 PM – Treasurers Report
Mary Ann provided the Town report and the spread sheet with year to date expenditures and balances for the budget. Kristin reported that the dues line item will be expended to join the American Library Association, and as a member there will be grant eligibility for the library.
The Trustees have given $250.00 toward sponsorship of the concerts on the common program.
The money for the air conditioning units for the library will be paid from the Merrill fund building fund for climate control.
Rose Lowry, of Beechleaf designs, will be paid her fee for the logo design from the Library checking account.
There was a review of various line item balances, and a brief discussion about the fact that the interest that is being paid out from trust funds is decreasing every year.
Mary Ann reported that she learned at one of the workshops she attended last month that there needs to be an annual financial report with the town report. She also found out that a Trustee has to be a co-signer on the Library checking account. Neal will be the co-signer.
The staff reported that the spread sheet has been working well for them in tracking and entering expenditures from the budget in real time.
Bruce made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report, and the motion was seconded by Bob. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to accept the report as presented.

7:45 PM - Librarian’s report:
Gail provided monthly statistics for usage of the library and on the facebook page. There was a discussion about how the circulation numbers continue to decrease, and Kristin reported that there has been a 50% increase in on line digital subscriptions for children overall. The current statistics do not capture digital use at the library, and Kristin will continue to track it. She will also consult with Andre Wood about how to utilize Alexandria to get statistical data on to a spread sheet.
Kristin reported that she got a grant to teach children how to design, illustrate and produce a book. The project is complete and Kristin shared the finished product with the Trustees. There will be an author’s tea for the Greenfield Elementary students who participated in the project.
Kristin and Gail have hung two of the three banners that the Monadnock Quilter’s Guild made from 25 years of summer reading program tee shirts. The third one is currently on loan to the Bethlehem Library and will return soon.
Kristin reported that there is a fund raiser recycling program, the proceeds from which can be used to purchase a 3-D printer for the Library.
A discussion followed for ideas to publicize the great things that are happening at the Library, such as contacting WMUR Chronicle.
Kristin reported that she continues to make connections with Crotched Mountain Rehab Center through Tim Hoage.
Bob Marshall noted that the Library staff has done an outstanding job of pursuing technology and community opportunities for the betterment of the Library and the community.

8:02 PM: New Hampshire Library Trustees Association annual conference report:
Mary Ann and Neal attended, and they reported that it was helpful to talk with other Trustees. Mary Ann reported that one workshop addressed the Trustees meetings. She said that it is recmmended that the meeting should be short and start with the good things that are happening at the Library. Neal reported that he attended two warrant article meetings and “the ABCs of RSAs”. He provided some written materials to the Trustees. Some discussion followed about how the Trustees, Staff and the Friends can be creative with events for the Library that will raise money and invite the residents to enjoy the atmosphere of the Library.

8:15 PM – Other /New business:
1)      The status of the yet to be installed, and already paid for, window:
Bob Marshall reported that he has reached out to Mike Borden. He will contact him again and let him know the air conditioning units are going to be installed and one of the units needs to go in to the new window that has yet to be installed.
2)      Kristin is going to attend a meeting in Francestown about a dedicated lap top computer for children’s use. It has learning tools installed on it and is called an Individual Learning Station. A discussion followed about how the Library might be able to obtain a repurposed lap top for such a use.

8:32 PM – Bruce made the motion to adjourn the meeting at this time. The motion was seconded by Bob, and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative to adjourn the meeting.
The next meeting of the Trustees will be held on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the Library.

Respectfully Submitted,
Patricia LaPree